Monthly Archives: July 2011

Random Garden Folk

This little Starling was just too funny – there’s a phrase in Urdu that would get tossed at me when I filled up my plate with more than I could eat – ‘big eyes, little mouth’, here it is in action.

I think this little fellow was on his last legs, a tribute then, to all his hard work as a pollinating superstar.

Lady Goldfinch, not a frequent visitor, but a much loved one.

Garden Visitors – A Mixed Bag

Some mamas and papas, some little wee ones, a blurry great-tit, a frog and some smelly flowers (the one on the left smells better than the one on the right, teehee).

Mr.& Mrs.Sparrow

Bathing Babies

Ruminating Robin

Baby Robins

The ever-so-quick Great Tit


Smelly Flowers