Tag Archives: portfolio

Good Design is Simple

I have a tendency to overdo things. I work fast, but then don’t know when to just stop. Consequently the over thinking, over working and sometimes plain messy outcomes. It’s like when you stay at a party for that crucial half hour longer than you should have, and a perfectly lovely evening gets, well, messy is the word. So I’ve been trying to practice some simple designs  just for my own development,  inspired by the trends around us,in the few spare minutes I can manage.

Hopefully, some of the lessons and ideas will stick when it comes time to Do Things.


The Octopus

Attenborough is on Eden so…..

The Octopus 
by Ogden Nash

Tell me, O Octopus, I begs
Is those things arms, or is they legs?
I marvel at thee, Octopus;
If I were thou, I’d call me Us.
Grunge Bokeh texture courtesy of Digital Yard Sale.

Nature Weeps for Gladness

An anonymous quote –

Blue Tit

Oh, I’m trying so hard to stay away from bad puns in this post. But these little fellas are my husbands favorite garden visitors. So this one’s for him.

I was never a big bird fan, or ‘twitcher’ but being in Britain seems to require some twitching. So stay tuned for more from the garden. In the meanwhile, I hope you enjoy it and feel free to share (a link back/acknowledgment would be great if you can be bothered – drop me an email if you want the files to play with yourself).

Today’s Fuzzy Moment of Zen

Ode to Summer

Summer Approaches

Just Because…

Dirty Stuff

More experiments of the unwashed kind.